Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Carving Contest! AKA I am going to win this year :-)

Happy Halloween Everyone! - Calling this one early - "B" won by a landslide! That is my daughter's pumpkin :-)

I won't be posting this Friday, cuz it is Halloween! Last year was the First Annual Troe Pumpkin Carving contest between myself and my daughter ( she is 18yrs old, freshman in college). I LOST by a landslide last year!!! Not only was I out $25 bucks but I had to do the pumpking carving walk of shame for a year... SO, No pressure, but vote for your favorite pumpkin carving design above, I am really counting on you! :-)

Voting can be anonymous (choose that option in the comment section below). My favorite vote from last year even though it was totally biased AND completely unfair, was from an anonymous voter: "Gram and I each cast a vote for our grand daughter's pumpkin ~ Gramps." I am going to see if I can block this voter this year ;-)

THANK you for playing along AND helping me keep my $25 bucks! I will post the winner on Wednesday Nov. 5th.


  1. Replies
    1. Holy Pumpkin Batman! You voted fast :-) Thanks Laura <3

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Valerie!!! The race is close so far - Got some "A"s on social media :-)

  3. Happy Halloween, Annie! I vote B. Very creative!

    1. HEY Beth! Thanks so much for taking the time to vote! I posted on FB that the "trash-talking" has begun between my daughter and I :-)

  4. B all the way! I Love the teeth! I hope you don't have to eat crow again this year, Annie! Hee hee hee

  5. Lisa - I made need some floss.... THANKS a bunch for taking the time to vote <3

  6. I vote B… They are both creative, but B's got neato eyes in the dark! :)

    1. Lots of "B" fans..... THANKS so much for voting Jo! <3

  7. With the information posted it is very difficult for Gramm and Gramps to vote. The question is, is A for Ann and B for Granddaughter or the other way around? So based on that we must cast our votes simply as --- two votes for Granddaughter. Just pay her the $25

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Helene! "B" is VERY popular! Thanks for stopping by and voting :-)

  9. Hi everyone! I am calling this one early - Daughter won by a LANDSLIDE! her's is B with the great teeth :-) She sends a BIG thank you for the votes and is thrill to have $25 extra bucks in her pocket.


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