Friday, July 19, 2013

Flip book Portfolio

Click here to see my portfolio on my website - also you can click the bold words in the post below to visit more links.

FlipSnack, One of the Many Free Aps from SnackTools

In my post last week on palette knife painitng and art licensing, I included a link to my portfolio. This generated questions about how I made my portfolio into a flip book.

I have used some of SnackTools aps and widgets in the past for some of my graphic design clients. I forgot about FlipSnack for creating flip books, until I heard Leslie Saeta talking about it for her flip book portfolio on her radio show "Artists Helping Artists".

FlipSnack is free up to 15 pages and I believe the free version has a small add/watermark on it. I paid $20 (10 points) to get more pages (up to 500) and no ad. There is also a subscription service if you want to make more than three flip books and or change your flipbook frequently. I plan on changing mine just twice a year, so I went with the flat fee.

It was very easy for me to set up. I already have my portfolio in InDesign and just saved it as a low resolution PDF file. NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Word - you may want to test uploading a single PDF file - I am guessing that you will need to use other software to generate the PDF.

If you can save it as a PDF/x file - It will help it run smoother. I read this in the FAQ after I had already uploaded the file :-(

It seems to run decently on my html5 website and pretty good on the iPad.

Hope this helps answer your questions! 

You might also like this post - New flip book with hyper links:


  1. Very informative article! FlipSnack is new to me so I appreciate the information.

    1. Glad this post was helpful! Thanks Darlene for the feedback and stopping by :-)

  2. Came across your blog quite by accident, but I'm glad I did! Keen to have a go at making a flip book now...

    1. Hi Carla! Great to meet you :-) I checked out your blog - and couldn't find how to follow it. Let me know what I am missing.

      Thanks so much for the blog love!

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